T1 Learn to Draw

Learn simple and fundamental drawing techniques which can lay the foundation skills to all art.
This course provides the complete basics to getting started on drawing technique and also includes exposure to different drawing media.
A course suitable for absolute beginners or for those who wish to reinforce or refresh their already established skills.

Range of Graphite (lead) pencils from at least 2B to 6B grades.
A4 or A3 size drawing pad, at least 150gsm weight in paper.
Kneadable rubber + sharpener.

*Further equipment will be required as course progresses; students will be informed.
*Tutor will also supply some minimum equipment

Course Details

Waiting list
Mon Feb 24 to Mon Mar 31, 2025
6 x 2.5 hrs
6:00 pm
Linda Edmonds
WEA Wollongong
50-56 Auburn Street, Wollongong, NSW 2500

Campus Information


There is plenty of parking onsite but please DO NOT TURN RIGHT into the carpark. You could endanger yourself, any passengers and any others on the road.

The centre should be approached from the South, either at the south end of Auburn Street, or by turning into Auburn Street from Swan or West Streets.

Food and Drink

There is a Zip Tap available for those who wish to BYO cup plus tea/coffee/milk supplies.

Please BYO refreshments for your use only.

Confirmation of Course and Purchase of Materials

At times WEA must cancel classes due to lack of enrolments. To avoid undue costs please do not purchase any materials until your course has been confirmed as going ahead.

Please call the WEA office on phone: (02) 4226 1622 three days prior to the commencement of the class to confirm that it will be going ahead.

No Smoking

Please note that WEA is a smoke-free business and smoking is not allowed in the building in the carparks or in any outside area on WEA property.

COVID and your Safety

If you are feeling unwell or displaying covid or cold and flu symptoms, please stay at home and notify our office that you will not be attending classes.

Our staff may ask you to leave if you appear to be unwell so that we protect our students and staff. We will operate according to Public Health Orders as required.